Modem Ku STC Huawei E3276 punya masalah yg sama. Saya sudah ikuti cara di atas, top tetap tidak bisa. Ad yg punya solusi, tolong di bantu. Imail ku ;

Sign in Statistics 9,356 an Error 628 - Duration: 0:55. Jose Carrasco 35,608 views 6:17 Learn more You're viewing two buttons redial and cancel. In the new dialog Jan 05, 2012 · 4. most times usb port might be faulty, and also excessive and frequent usage of a particular usb port could also be a reason. Since most computer normally comes with a minimum of 2 – 3 and maximum of 4 – 5 usb port numbers, you can unplug the usb modem and re-plug it into another port and wait for the connection to get registered Connecting to : The remote computer is reachable. (0% loss): All attempts to connect succeeded. The remote computer refused the network connection: The remote computer is not reachable. (100% loss): All attempts to connect failed. Run psping on multiple computers to test their ability to connect to the affected computer. I am using DotRas 1.3.4823.23273 for Windows 7 with a Hauwei E3131 HSPA+ USB modem. I have the following function which is intended to dial the reas connection for the modem. Oct 24, 2013 · I have installed Remote Access role in Windows Server 2012 I want to connect to it with PPTP from a Windows 7 outside of network and after verifying my username and password

I am using DotRas 1.3.4823.23273 for Windows 7 with a Hauwei E3131 HSPA+ USB modem. I have the following function which is intended to dial the reas connection for the modem.

Connecting to : The remote computer is reachable. (0% loss): All attempts to connect succeeded. The remote computer refused the network connection: The remote computer is not reachable. (100% loss): All attempts to connect failed. Run psping on multiple computers to test their ability to connect to the affected computer.

I have the right settings from my service provider such as the APN, I have data on my data card. my modem has never got any physical damage, I tried to use the modem on other computer not mine alone but still the same message comes. I contacted the huawei website but I found no solution. Please help me out before I consider buying another modem.

If you have a splitter on the telephone jack that your computer plugs into, try removing the splitter to see if that resolves the problem. If so, you may want to purchase a new splitter. Check the length of the telephone cord between your computer and the telephone jack. Optimum length is less than 10 feet.