Aug 10, 2019 · Now, click Logs to display all the sites that were visited while connected to your router. You’ll be presented a list of domains or destination IPs along with the IP address of the user. Use your target’s IP address to track their internet activity.

Dec 15, 2009 · I know that the Netgear WPNT834 RangeMax 240 and the Linksys WRT54G keep a log of the websites that you go on. Use opendns to track web sites visited in the Jan 31, 2011 · OpenDNS, a provider of DNS-based security and infrastructure services, released its list of sites that were most often blocked by businesses in 2010. The most obvious reason for most of the sites It appears opendns is blocking at least some torrent sites. I've been using the opendns DNS servers for years, ever since someone here years ago posted doing so as a workaround for some countries and ISPs blocking websites just because it seemed like a good idea anyway. Sep 14, 2013 · Ideally I would like the ability to log all URL's visited through the router and track problem sites to a specific device, date, and time. I've read that some routers allow for this. I've poked around a bit on my AE router, and although I see some logging functions, I'm not seeing a clear way to enable this sort of functionality.

[SOLVED] Need to monitor websites visited (and time spent

Aug 13, 2012 · I created a zxyel account and enabled the bluecoat content filtering service. As my main objective was to simply log visited websites (rather than block them) I created the most general filter rule possible which incorporated all categories of website and those which were uncategorised. I configured it to pass all and ticked the option to log. Sep 16, 2019 · OpenDNS Family Shield replaces your current DNS service and is free for home users – features include: It is preconfigured to block adult websites across your internet connection. Just turn it on and go. The filter is always up-to-date, adding new sites 24/7

Monitoring website history for each device – OpenDNS

Tracking Websites VIsited from Another Computer Feb 10, 2009